
Players Looking For Full Time Teams

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Experienced player looking to join a fun team
13 September 2024 @ 10:36 PM by Kial Jinnah

Hello, my name is Kial ('Kyle') and I'm 30 years old.

I just moved here from BC and looking to join a fun team.

I played a lot of high level soccer when I was younger. More recently I've been playing casual coed 7v7 / beer league mens soccer in Vancouver. I can play any position (except keeper), and I am good with a mens or coed team of any level.

I can play Tues/Wed/Thurs evenings or Sat/Sun, and can play at Immaculata, Carleton Uni, RA Centre, and Ottawa Uni.

Shoot me a text if you'd like me to join your team!


This thread will self destruct on 13 October 2024 @ 4:00 AM
15 September 2024 @ 2:37 AM by Youcef man

Hi Kial,

Are you interested to join a new team for the winter league?



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